10 November 2012
31 October 2012
4 July 2012
Yeah Baby
Gosh it’s been hectic lately – packing and moving house in Winter is not much fun. Hillary and I took time out today to get back on the sketching track. Neither of us are confident sketching people and in particular faces, so we set ourselves a challenge list of 10 different types of faces to find in magazines and try to sketch. We both found it difficult, but the good food, gossip and antics of Asher cat kept us going. |
24 May 2012
Shadows in Tin Tacks Park
After Hillary and I finished our morning’s gossip & sketching, we ventured out into the sunshine in the small park next to Brick By Brick Cafe in Onehunga. We challenged each other to take six “postable” photos. I thought they were to be of six different things. Hillary thought they were to be six of the same thing. It doesn’t matter, both posts are interesting and a good start back into our photography practise. p.s. Did you see the heart shape formed by my arms holding the camera? I couldn’t do that if I tried!
22 May 2012
A Morning At Brick By Brick Cafe, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand
24 April 2012
con.cat.e.nate conclusion
It is with sadness that I have to let this project go. In the time since the last main post for my con.cat.e.nate project on 27 January , there have been three big events in my life:
- My Mum passed away unexpectedly on 28th January
- I had some unplanned major surgery in early March and have still not recovered from it, and sadly …
- One of my two cats, Sammy, was run over while I was in hospital, broke her leg badly, and had to be euthanized. I didn’t get to say goodbye to her and it hurts.
In the meantime, all is not lost. Today I have spent too much time scanning/reading blogs and websites of those artists that I really admire and have to say that my drive to make my own books, sketch, attempt to use watercolours, and revive my journalling has been spiked.
3 February 2012
025 - 030
28 January 2012
A Time To Reflect …..
A small tribute to my Mother, blowing out her candles at 90 years young
Emma Caroline Johnson 18/8/1921 – 28/1/2012
Go in peace Mum, we love you
27 January 2012
con.cat.e.nate 019 - 024
20 January 2012
con.cat.e.nate 013 - 018
13 January 2012
con.cat.e.nate 007 - 012
12 January 2012
11 January 2012
con.cat.e.nate update #2
- it's a daily discipline of sketching, even if it only last seconds
- it is creating an intimate knowledge of my animals
- it will hopefully help to improve drawing skills (debatable)
7 January 2012
con.cat.e.nate update #1
It wasn’t until I turned the page to do my sketch for 7th January, that I realised that Saturdays and Sundays have been lumped together on one page on this “page-per-day” calendar I am using. Oops. I thought about it for a while. Could I do two little sketches on the one page and still post one for each day? No, that wasn’t going to work because my page only measures 125mm x 113mm as it is, so it’s too small to fit 2 sketches. Even though this has definitely put a spanner in the works and messes up the Sketch A Day goal, I decided to go with the flow and only do one sketch on the weekend and maybe spend more time on it.