20 March 2009

Mosaic Pot Triumph

I have finally finished mosaicing and grouting this terracotta pot I bought at least 5 years ago. It's a biggie, measuring 700mm high and 480mm wide at the top. I collected blue and white china all this time, and was donated Willow pattern plates and Villeroy & Bosch pieces along the way. It took a long time to sort and break the pieces, put it all together, then 3 days to grout it. I consider it to be one of my major achievements. Today it was finally installed in the front foyer of my home and I feel very satisfied to have completed it.

14 March 2009

Painting Class – Still Life Drawing Practise

Homework Mar09_0001 Homework Mar09_0002 Homework Mar09_0003
 Homework Mar09_0005 Homework Mar09_0006 Homework Mar09_0004
Homework Mar09_0007 Art Class drawing practise for this week was still life – take three objects, try to show mood, use cross hatching, change arrangements. Couldn’t quite get the perspective right in the first 2 drawings, but I liked exploring the negative space.  I love the way the objects in the last four drawings compliment each other in shape.

10 March 2009

EDM 42 Something You Are Thankful For

There are many things that I am thankful for in my life; sunshine, music, the sea, the senses, laughter, friends, art amongst them. Our family is not very functional, and there have been times when I wondered if I actually belonged to one. I am therefore truly thankful to have been blessed with such a lovely brother as Darren.