16 November 2009

EDM 65 Someone’s Nose

EDM65 the brief was to do a nose –
your own,
a friend’s,
a pet’s,
a stranger’s
how about someone very famous then ….

13 November 2009

EDM 64 Sink


At first I thought …. hmmm - a sink – how boring.  Then my mind drifted to all those song lyrics using “sink”, or those great old sayings like “Loose Lips Sink Ships”, and so the challenge began …


9 November 2009

EDM 63 Items Found On A Nature Walk


Went on a nature walk with Aniela, my six year old neighbour, to Tahuna Torea.  Didn’t find anything rivetingly exciting.  I dumped all the collected items on my studio desk and when I returned a few days later, was greeted with masses of dead insect like things spread out in every direction.  They had lots of legs in odd places, and ranged from very tiny to about 13mm long.  Encrusted in an exquisitely coloured pearlescent peach suit of armour, I think perhaps they are/were sea lice that crawled out of something I picked up, and perished in the sunshine on top of my desk.  Ick.