12 December 2009

A Bit Of A Play On The Previous Hydrant Theme ….





EDM 66 Fire Hydrant

EDM66 We don’t have ornate upright fire hydrants in New Zealand, we have heavy metal plates set into the pavement.  When the firemen need to use water in the street, they lift the plate up, remove one of these hydrants out of the back of the Fire Appliance, and connect it.  Nifty.

16 November 2009

EDM 65 Someone’s Nose

EDM65 the brief was to do a nose –
your own,
a friend’s,
a pet’s,
a stranger’s
how about someone very famous then ….

13 November 2009

EDM 64 Sink


At first I thought …. hmmm - a sink – how boring.  Then my mind drifted to all those song lyrics using “sink”, or those great old sayings like “Loose Lips Sink Ships”, and so the challenge began …


9 November 2009

EDM 63 Items Found On A Nature Walk


Went on a nature walk with Aniela, my six year old neighbour, to Tahuna Torea.  Didn’t find anything rivetingly exciting.  I dumped all the collected items on my studio desk and when I returned a few days later, was greeted with masses of dead insect like things spread out in every direction.  They had lots of legs in odd places, and ranged from very tiny to about 13mm long.  Encrusted in an exquisitely coloured pearlescent peach suit of armour, I think perhaps they are/were sea lice that crawled out of something I picked up, and perished in the sunshine on top of my desk.  Ick.

20 October 2009

EDM 62 A Previous Challenge Done In A Medium Not Usually Used


This was also Challenge # 39 – a toothbrush.  I have a tin of dirty stuff – a putty eraser, charcoal sticks, and a square black stick that I think is pastel.  It’s way too messy for my liking so that’s why it’s usually hidden away in a tin, not used.  I think the sombreness (is that a word??) of this image reflects how I felt about using this medium.  Yick.  (is that a word?)

15 October 2009

EDM 61 A Grouping of Similar Objects

EDM61 My friend and I were sitting having a coffee at a very funky place in the city called ‘Smith’.  I looked up, and these gorgeously ornate old bird cages were swaying in the wind above our heads.  Delightful.  Done with a .35 technical pen loaded with walnut ink.

13 October 2009

EDM 60 An Automobile, or Part Thereof


My drawing of this Type 37 Bugatti was inspired by the movie I watched recently about the life of Isadora Duncan.
Her notorious death is not exactly a pet topic for Bugatti historians. As legend has it, she desired to buy one but could not afford it. She met a young auto mechanic who sold Bugatti cars and she asked him if he would join her for a test drive in what was either the Bugatti Type 35 or 37. According to oral tradition, her last words were: “Farewell, my friends, I am off to glory!” As the car drove off, she threw a long silk scarf around her neck, which entangled in one of the car’s open-spoked wheels. The heavy embroidered silk pulled instantly taut and snapped the dancer’s neck. This misfortune took place in Nice on September 14, 1927.

12 October 2009

EDM 59 A Sign of Spring


From a recent holiday in Vanuatu – Spring there means that these Island Lillies are starting to flower.

5 September 2009

EDM 58 Hat

EDM58 Favourite Summer hat with favourite leopard scarf

21 August 2009

Left Hand Journal pgs 11 – 16

Section 3 using only left hand – a little more spontaneous

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LHJ_0016 LHJ_0017 LHJ_0018

20 August 2009

Left Hand Journal – pgs 5 - 10

Section 2 of the journal created using ONLY the left (non-dominant) hand
LHJ_0007 LHJ_0008 LHJ_0009
LHJ_0010 LHJ_0012   LHJ_0011

16 August 2009

EDM 57 A Frame, the Picture in it, and why it’s Special

EDM57 Click to enlarge image and you’ll find out why it’s special

13 August 2009

Left Hand Journal pgs 1-4

I decided to make a Journal and fill it with entries created entirely using my left hand.  The object of the exercise is to firstly – HAVE FUN; to loosen up and not be such a perfectionist;  to not care about how things look, but to enjoy them for their woppiness.  To slow down; take time to enjoy the process, and one of the outcomes may even be that I will be able to write respectably with my left hand with a lot more practise.Note: the first picture is of the fabric cover.

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LHJ_0003 LHJ_0004  LHJ_0006

EDM 56 Self Portrait

EDM56A Me and my girl Bella… she looks older, I look younger.. a good outcome me thinks.

3 August 2009

EDM 55 Door Knob, plain or fancy

EDM 55 Watercolour rendition … still struggling.

11 July 2009

EDM 54 Something You Love

EDM54 The most fabulous of teapots. 
I bought it in Sydney a few years ago and I love it to pieces.  It’s my very favourite thing … when people say “if there was a fire and you could only take one thing with you, what would it be?” … well, it would be this, for sure.

30 June 2009

EDM 53 Mouth

EDM53 My text encompasses my thoughts on this topic I guess.

27 June 2009

EDM 52 A Dog & Your Relationship With It

EDM52We have the neighbours from hell.   Their dog is a Swedish Sheepdog (Vallhund) named Ralphie.  He looks a bit like a German Shepherd with it’s legs sawn off.   Since they got him as a puppy, only 3 months after we bought this house, they have let him bark and bark and bark and blame everyone else who dared to complain.   I am an animal lover, but my relationship with this dog is one of contempt.  He barks at us every time we set foot outside.  He barks at every dog and everyone who uses the reserve behind us.  He barks outside our bedroom window at 5.00 am on a Sunday morning.  I figure he’s lucky to be alive.  Poor Ralphie, it’s not his fault that everyone despises him.

25 June 2009

EDM 51 Your TV and Favourite Show Playing

Favourite Show: Animal Planet! At least it's better than all those dodgy reality TV shows that are slowly driving us crazy. There is always something interesting to learn about animals. On today's show, I saw a Spirit Bear - didn't know there was such a thing. It was beautiful.

24 June 2009

EDM 50 Your Entryway

This challenge was about your own entryway, and journalling how you feel about it. For me, it is suffice to say that there is never a warmer fuzzy than the sight of my own front door and the knowledge of what lays behind it.

16 June 2009

EDM 49 Refrigerator – Interior, Exterior, or Both

My fridge
Inside, Outside, Both
I think the perspective is right?
Pencil only, selection of lights and darks.

8 June 2009

EDM 48 A New Year's Resolution

I don't make New Year resolutions any more, but if I had, it would've been to keep drawing and not give up hope that one day it will all fall into place and be second nature.

31 May 2009

EDM 47 A Challenge Not Tried In The Past Year

EDM47 I have attempted all the challenges up till now, so I had to choose something I had already done.  The last hand was a human one, and today, my wooden jointed hand model was in front of me on my desk …. so be it.
Not my best effort, but an effort none the less.