31 May 2009

EDM 47 A Challenge Not Tried In The Past Year

EDM47 I have attempted all the challenges up till now, so I had to choose something I had already done.  The last hand was a human one, and today, my wooden jointed hand model was in front of me on my desk …. so be it.
Not my best effort, but an effort none the less.

14 May 2009

EDM 46 Something Holiday Themed - Christmas

Snowman1blog Snowman2blog Snowman3blog Snowman4

I wasn’t looking forward to this topic because I was hung up on “Christmas”, and I’m not a Christmas person.  In retrospect, I should have chosen a beach scene, because Christmas time is generally the hottest time of the year in New Zealand, and it’s when everyone goes on holiday.  Anyway, I enjoyed executing this using 23 watercolour pencils.  I am showing it as a progressive sketch, only because I stopped here and there to scan this, as I find that the scanner shows me things I don’t see with my naked eye – like what needs to be lighter and what needs to be darker.  He’s cute huh!