20 February 2009

EDM 41 Landmark In Your City

At 328 metres, Sky Tower is the tallest man-made structure in New Zealand & the 12th tallest member of the World Federation of Great Towers. It offers breathtaking views for up to 80 kilometres in every direction, and has become an Auckland icon, being visible from just about everywhere.
I took a photo from Kohimarama Rd and set myself a big challenge to execute this using only 12 Tombow pens, therefore limited colour range. I wasn't sure if I could show distance as well as strong foreground as Tombows are felt pens after all. They react beautifully with water and I found the exercise quite pleasing, albeit lengthy!

4 February 2009

EDM 40 Folds

My notes alongside the drawing say it all. This was done using dry watercolour pencils. A big learning curve - or is that fold?

3 February 2009

EDM 39 Toothbrush

Thought this would be the proverbial 'piece of cake' ... but no. After several attempts at getting that twisty bit right I called it a day.

2 February 2009